In Indonesian country a lot of methods that implemented in education. All of the students felt the various kinds of the methods to learn. Although they got a lot of methods, but they will undertake to comprehend it. The teachers also do effort for helping the students.
According to (Serambi Indonesia, Sunday, April 5th, 2009) Mr. Mohd Ilyas Wahab said: the knowledge of teachers in teaching still weak. The teachers have to implement the good method for teaching in order the students can be smart. Kadisdik Aceh, Mr. Mohd Ilyas Wahab also said in different time (Serambi Indonesia, Sunday, June 28th, 2009): all of the teachers have to follow the training for increasing their ability in teaching. All of the teachers that followed the training have to get the quality for developing the methods of teaching. If the teachers can do good implementation of teaching method, I believe that the Indonesian education will raise up and get the first level in the world.
Right now, the students of university, especially in Tarbiyah faculty they also often learn about the method for teaching, they do the competition to get the good way for teaching. As I know that in IAIN Ar-Raniry the students thought the methods for teaching. Among others: CLT (Communicative Language Teaching), CLL (Community Language Learning), TPR (Total Physical Response), DM (Direct Method), GTM (grammar Translation Method), CA (Communicative Approach), Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Natural Approach, Audiolingual Method, SLT (Situational Language Teaching), Oral Approach, etc. After they got a lot of methods from the lecturer, they will implement it in PPL in many school in Aceh. When they can implement in good way, they will get good reward and it is has the benefit when do the teaching as the real teacher in the school.
In this good opportunity, I will write more about the Suggestopedia method, because in my opinion it is one of the interesting method to teach the students in the school. Although a lot of method that be served, but this Suggestopedia method can create the students enjoy their learning. I believe the students will get the stimulation and motivation to study by using this method. Why ???? here a lot of reasons that why I choose this method for the assignment of Teaching Methodology.
Mohammad Aminuddin said that: in this era the role of music in our life is really important, in education the teachers often misjudge that the music is the causal factor the failure of students in learning. Whereas in fact the music according to Dr. Georgi Lozanov through the Suggestopedia method can help the students in accepting the subject matter. The Suggestopedia method which used the music as the students learning media, can stimulates the left brain in order activate with the right brain. By referring to the human principle that optimalize learning with balancing of using the left and right brain, also using the music to stimulate the students ability of thinking. The teachers be expected can exploit or make used of the music in learning process. The teachers can play the music in certain time. For example, when the students do the assignment or write something, using the soft music, in order the students can optimalize their brain in accepting the subject matter which given by teachers. In my opinion, I really agree with Mr Mohammad Aminuddin that the music is one of the good media in learning process because the music can stimulate the brain of students.
According to Eko Wuranto in his article: Right now a lot of books, articles, research that proven the classical music can increase the ability of brain to get good learning. From some literatures, Eko Wuranto got the information that Dr. Georgi Lozanov with his Suggestopedia method. We can say he is as the educator that crusades the using of classical music in learning English language.
Suggestopedia is one of the method in learning English language. Which created by an educator from Bulgarian it is Dr. Georgi Lozanov. Lozanov believed that, something around us can become the power in learning process, whether the positive power or negative power.
The aim from Suggestopedia method is to make free the mind of students from the negative thinking (Lozanov, 1978, page. 252). A lot of students influenced by negative thinking. The negative thinking that mean: the words "boring in learning", "the grammar is difficult", etc. This assumptions will limit the human potency. By changing the negative thinking to the positive thinking we will able to explore the human potency in learning process.
In Suggestopedia method, the class room also will explored. The environment that the students learn is really important. According to Walberg and Greenberg (1997), the condition of class room is determines the primary psychology which will influences the academic learning process.
The unique one from the Suggestopedia method is using the classical music in learning process. The using of classical music based on the result of research that stated the brain will in good condition when learning process it is in Alpha.
A few experience in learning using the Suggestopedia method
The students will sit in cushioned armchairs that are arranged in a semicircle facing the front of the room. The lighting is dim. There is soft music playing. There are several big posters on the wall. There are the sight poster, the people and their profession poster enclosed by the vocabularies in English language which written colorful.
The plants for decoration put in the corner of the class room. The arrangement of this class room will change the perception of the students that "the learning process is heavy" become "learning process is gratify". The vocabularies that stick on the wall will be recorded by students. This process will help the aim of learning.
The teachers ask the students to hear the classical composition. While hearing the music, the students asked to close their eyes. And arrange their breath suitable with the music rhythm. After the music finished the students asked to imagine that they are in the using English language country.
In learning process, the students asked to change their name with the pen name and job in English language. By choosing the new identity, Lozanov believed that this process will release all of the problems that faced by students in the real world which will disturb the learning process (Hagiwara,1989).
According to guruvalah, he said that: he used the suggestopedia method in learning process in one vocational school, but do not easy to implement it. he got the obstacles among others: the students felt that by using the music in learning process is strange and will distrub the concentration. The students do not have become accustomed with the classical music and soft instrument. The students felt sleepy.
On the contrary, the implementation of suggestopedia method in favorite school will get the high result from learning process between the students and the teachers, because this method is gretify.
The suggestopedia method which used the classical music in learning English language that crusaded by an educator, he is Dr. Georgi Lozanov. He believed that, something around us can become the power in learning process.
The aim from Suggestopedia method is to make free the mind of students from the negative thinking. A lot of students influenced by negative thinking. When the students think the positive thinking they will be in positive condition, but on the contrary, when they think negative they will be in negative condition. The proverb said: If you think you can, you can. The Master Hipnotist, Rommy Rafael said: You are what you think.
My suggestion to all of the teachers, please use this method in order your students get good condition in learning process. They will brought in stimulation and motivation condition, because they will get the music in leraning process. Although a lot of limitation in providing the instrument we can propose it to the stake holders of education. Exactly they will help the education. Also I suggest that all of the teachers have to read the Quantum learning and Quantum Teaching book, because those book will give more references to get good implementation of learning process.
To the students, I suggest that have to be more active with the music background. Have to more focus on the lesson that thought by the teachers.
We hope that our education will raise up by using the good method in learning process. In order the students in Indonesian country will be smart we have to undertake to choose the best method to implement it.
List of References:
Serambi Indonesia, Sunday, April 5th, 2009, Page: 22, Col: 1-6
Serambi Indonesia, Sunday, June 28th, 2009, Page: 3, Col: 3
Aminuddin, Mohammad, Musik sebagai media dalam pembelajaran, Go Jawa Pos, Surabaya, January, 31st, 2009
Wurianto, Eko Teaching, Learning and Education, a teacher's experience during teaching and learning, Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Guruvalah, Quantum Teaching-Menjadikan kelas menggairahkan, Thursday, January 15th, 2009,
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