Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Textbook and Curriculum Analysis

The summary of material Text Book and Curriculum Analysis

In general curriculum is the whole of planning about the content and the learning material also the way that used in implementing teaching and learning process.

The component of curriculum:
1. Aim: it is the target that will being catched by the process of implementing the education.
2. Content: it is the experiences that acquired by students in the school.
3. Method: it is the teaching learning process that the ways of students to get the experiences of learning to catch the target.
4. Evaluation: it is the way to know whether the target can be achieved.

The function of curriculum is as the guidance for the teachers in conducting teaching learning process:
a. Preventive: it is in order the teachers avoid to do something that not suitable with the curriculum.
b. Corrective: it is to correct something that deviated from the curriculum.
c. Constructive: it is to give the right direction for implementing, and develop it's implementing, exactly based on the valid curriculum.

The principle of curriculum:
a. Philosophy: it is to give the direction to all of the deciding and human actions, because the philosophy is the view of life, people, public and nations. In order that the curriculum has the great correlation with the philosophy of education.
b. Psichologic: it is about the human hehaviours. The psicologic principle has the correlation with the way of student learning.
c. Sociologic: it is in real condition not only used in developing curriculum at the national level but also for the teacher in constructing the curriculum at the school level.
d. Organizational: it is about the curriculum organization.

There are 3 types of curriculum:

1. Separated Subject Curriculum is the curriculum that the subject separated and do not in a collective.

The strength:
a. The material served logically, sistematic and continuety.
b. Simple, easy to plan, easy to implement and easy to change if needed.
c. Easy to score for getting the data which needed to change
d. Teachers just teach the certain material which suitable with the lesson. When the teachers more with the lesson, so they will get more experiences.

The weakness:
a. One subject with onother subjects there are no correlation, the knowledge not suitable with the reality.
b. Less to pay attention to the students problems factually in their daily life. Give priority to some knowledges that sometimes there are no relation with the necessary of life.
c. Static
d. Limited, just to press in intellectual and less in developing the emotional and social.

2. Correlated Curriculum is the curriculum that subjects have the correlation, to strengthen each others.

To correlate one subject to anothers subjects, go through the ways:
a. Occational correlation
b. Ethic correlation
c. Sistematic correlation
d. Informal correlation
e. Formal correlation
f. Broad field correlation

The strength:
a. Help the collective of experiences and knowledges, because getting them do not separated.
b. Applying the knowledges functionally. Exploid various kinds of subject to solve the problems.

The weakness:
a. characteristic of subject centered, not yet to the material that directly to the necessary and the problems in daily life and not sistematic.

3. Integrated Curriculum is the curriculum that to integrate some of subjects to be one.

The strengh:
a. Connected one subject each others
b. Do not just learn about the facts that free and less functional to solve the problem
c. The new theory based on the experience, ability, thinking and acting interest also have the responsibility to individual and group.
d. The great correlation between school and public. The public is as the laboratory.

The weakness:
a. There is no the logic and sistematic organization. The material do not prepared in first but plan it with the students.
b. Teachers do not prepared for implement the curriculum unit form.
c. Busy, less of tool.
d. There is no the general examination. The problems in one school and another school are different. Trouble to measure the ability because have the abstrack standard.

The advantages of commercial textbooks:
a. They provide structure and a syllabus for a program
b. They help standardize instaruction
c. They maintain quality
d. They provide a variety of learning resources
e. They are efficient
f. They can provide effective language models and input
g. They can train teachers
h. They are usually appealing

The disadvantages of commercial textbooks:
a. They may contain inauthentic language
b. They may distart content
c. They may not reflect students needs
d. They can deskill teachers
e. They are expensive

3 cons theory by Ki Hajar Dewantara:
a. Concentries
b. Continue
c. Convergency

Curriculum Evaluation
A lot of the meaning of evaluation:
a. Evaluation is the process for determining the degree to which these changes in behaviour are actually taking place (Tyler)
b. Evaluation is a process for describing an evaluand and judging its merit and worth (Lincoln and Guba)
c. Evaluation is the effort to understand the functioning and effect of a program (Meyers)

The aim to evaluate the curriiculum:
a. to determine the effectivity of curriculum
b. To determine the streng and weakness of curriculum
c. To determibe the result of students achievement
d. To determine the opinion to correct the curriculum
e. To describe the condition of implementing curriculum
f. To determine the correlation among the component of curriculum

The factors that can influence the changeable of curriculum:
Inside: Objectve, material, method and evaluation.
Outside: PP, Permen, and perda or qanun.

The differentiation among the curriculum in 1994, , 2002 and 2004:
1994: Objevtive: CBSA, Independent study
Material: GBPP, TIU-TIK, SP, KP-RME, Prota, Prosem, AMP-SP
Method: GTM,CBSA, (Separated Subject Curriculum)
Evaluation: EBTANAS
2002: Objective: life skill, mastery learning
Material: SI-SK,KD, RPP, KP
Method: CTL, CLL, CA, (Correlated Curriculum, Integrated Curriculum)
Evaluation: SKL, UAN
2004: Actually it is same with 2002 but different in evaluation
Evaluation: UN


The syllabus is the summary or the essential of material for learning. Also one of the steps to in developing the curriculum, especially to answer the question " what should be learn ?

The content of syllabus:
The subject, the level of school and semester, grouping of basic competence, the essential material, indicator, learning strategic, time allocation, the material or tool and media.

1 komentar:

A.H. Huskha mengatakan...

thanks a lot bro. its so beneficial..
wish u luck:)